Famosos Que Se Han Gastado Una Fortuna En Cirugías Plásticas Para Lucir Así

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Jocelyn’s is one of the most extreme cases of addiction to cosmetic surgery known. She is rumored to have spent around $4 million on operations, in addition to the well-known extravagant lifestyle for which she is also known (she claimed to spend around $600,000 a year on wine, among many other eccentricities). Jocelyn says she began the surgery to please her husband, billionaire Alec Wildenstein, whom she divorced in 1999. However, she continued to undergo surgery after her divorce. Although her appearance couldn’t be more shocking, Jocelyn claims that she loves what she sees in the mirror and that she has become exactly the woman she wanted to be.

The post Famosos Que Se Han Gastado Una Fortuna En Cirugías Plásticas Para Lucir Así appeared first on Telehealth Dave.

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