Vacation Faux Pas: When Candid Camera Meets Comedy Gold – Prepare to ROFL!

Proud Nation of the World’s First Female President

Iceland has a long history of promoting gender equality, and it was in this spirit that the world’s first democratically elected female president, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, was elected in 1980. She defeated three male candidates to become the country’s fourth president, taking 33.6 percent of the votes. Since then, many other women have taken part in the country’s politics.

In 1988, Finnbogadóttir won re-election with an overwhelming 94.6 percent of the votes. In the years since Finnbogadóttir has remained a powerful advocate for women’s rights. Most recently, she was honored at the Reykjavik Global Forum, where she was celebrated by Iceland’s prime minister and other high-ranking women in politics.

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